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I was a big fan of James Williamson ever since getting "Raw Power" as a student in Sydney back in 1973.
His guitar style was original, and the intensity of it became something of a benchmark for me to shoot for.
I was captivated by his songwriting too - not just on Raw Power, but also on the later release Kill City.
Although I became close friends with the Ashetons in the 70's, I did not meet James until 2011 when we played together at the Stooges memorial concert for Ron in Ann Arbor.
After that encounter we became friends, and part-time neighbors.
James had the idea of working together on acoustic versions of some of the songs on Raw Power and Kill City. This led to the 10 inch ep "Acoustic K.O."
Most recently, we wrote and recorded an LP of all new original material for Cleopatra Records, the album "Two To One". 

                                                      READ MORE about ACOUSTIC K.O HERE

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